Blonde Beehive Wig

14.99 $

The over-sized hairdos of the 60’s may have come and gone, but this blonde beehive wig remains. It lets you channel your inner R&B backup singer with moderate ease.




Blonde Beehive Wig

If you want to make it as a 60’s R&B singer, you’re going to need three things. The first is a good voice. The second is a beehive hairdo. The third is a time machine. We have the hair ready for you, but you’ll have to work on training your pipes. We have a guy working on the time machine too, but that one might take a few years.

Blonde Beehive Wig Buy with Free Shipping & Fast Delivery in USA, UK & Canada | Order Now & Get Express Shipping To Your Country Before Halloween (31 October 2023)!

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