Blonde Viking Wig, Beard and Mustache

19.99 $

You’ll be able to pillage and plunder and do as a true Viking warrior would with this Blonde Viking Wig, Beard and Mustache Combo Set!




Blonde Viking Wig, Beard and Mustache

The Vikings weren’t known for having skilled barbers or hairdressers, so they sometimes looked a bit shaggy. Men braided their beards to keep them tidy. But the shaggy, unkempt look was a good thing, because it made their warriors look really fierce! You can get that shaggy look without depriving your barber of income when you wear this Blonde Viking Wig, Beard and Mustache.

Blonde Viking Wig, Beard and Mustache Buy with Free Shipping & Fast Delivery in USA, UK & Canada | Order Now & Get Express Shipping To Your Country Before Halloween (31 October 2023)!

Halloween Costumes 2017