Cannibal Jack Sparrow Accessory Kit

17.99 $

Pirate swag helps you fit in with bloodthirsty cannibals on Pelegosto, but it also might make them believe that you’re a god that needs to be released from his human form. Just take caution when wearing it!




Cannibal Jack Sparrow Accessory Kit

You know how it is. One second you’re just chilling on your ship and the next you’re being hunting by a tribe of ravenous cannibals wishing to free you from your mortal body – regular, every day pirate stuff. If you want to fit in, a few extra tattoos won’t hurt you and some sparkling pirate swag never always helps.

Cannibal Jack Sparrow Accessory Kit Buy with Free Shipping & Fast Delivery in USA, UK & Canada | Order Now & Get Express Shipping To Your Country Before Halloween (31 October 2023)!

Halloween Costumes 2017