Mario Racanookie Hoodie

58.99 $

Press down and B while wear this Mario Racanookie Hoodie and it’s just like the good old days of getting a Tanooki Suit in Super Mario Bros 3.




Mario Racanookie Hoodie

With this Racanookie Costume Hoodie you’ll look just like the Tanuki, Japan’s native raccoon dog. While you might not have the powers of shapeshifting like they are rumored to have, you will be able to enjoy being disguised as a furry mischief maker. What kinds of mischief can you get into as the Racanookie? We’ll leave that one up to you!

Mario Racanookie Hoodie Buy with Free Shipping & Fast Delivery in USA, UK & Canada | Order Now & Get Express Shipping To Your Country Before Halloween (31 October 2023)!

Halloween Costumes 2017