Sherlock Holmes Accessory Kit

12.99 $

Solving crimes will be elementary this Halloween when you add this Sherlock Holmes accessory kit to your costume. Become a detective this year with this fun accessory kit!




Sherlock Holmes Accessory Kit

Feeling like solving a few crimes this Halloween? You’ll definitely need a tool to help you look around. Perhaps a convex glass that makes a small, circuitous area a little bigger to the eye? Yes, that’ll do. And during all those bouts of heavy thinking and piecing clues together, you’ll want something to focus on. Something oral…maybe relaxing and habit-forming? Yup, we’ve got that too. A good old-fashioned magnifying glass and pipe should do the trick. In fact, it’s quite…elementary.

Sherlock Holmes Accessory Kit Buy with Free Shipping & Fast Delivery in USA, UK & Canada | Order Now & Get Express Shipping To Your Country Before Halloween (31 October 2023)!

Halloween Costumes 2017